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  • Gregory Szorc's avatar
    Bug 1290516 - Remove {{project}} from cache path for decision and action tasks; r=dustin · a91e4e11
    Gregory Szorc authored
    Currently, the gecko-decision and action tasks maintain a separate cache
    for each "project" (Firefox repo) source checkout. In my opinion, this
    is not necessary.
    Separate caches/source checkouts mean a lower chance for a cache hit:
    a lower chance that any given worker will have a source checkout readily
    available for the "project" being built. They also mean workers store
    more data and files in caches.
    By using a shared cache for source checkouts, workers will ideally
    only have a single source checkout cache and will be pretty much
    guaranteed to have a checkout readily available (the main exception
    being the first task on a freshly-provisioned worker).
    A downside of a shared cache is that workers may spend more time doing
    `hg update` operations. e.g. if the last task was from mozilla-release
    and the current task is from mozilla-central, thousands of files will
    be updated. However, I believe we will still be better off because
    separate caches *increase* the probability for a full checkout, which
    involves writing ~150,000 files! So I believe this change will lower
    the overall amount of VCS work done by workers while possibly
    sacrificing the lowest possible execution time (which is achieved by
    minimizing the `hg update` work).
    It's worth noting that `hg robustcheckout` (which is used by these
    tasks) does the equivalent of an `hg purge --all`. This ensures that all
    untracked and ignored files from previous tasks are deleted. So there
    should be no contamination from previous tasks.
    MozReview-Commit-ID: I5Ng3xFEfou
    extra : rebase_source : db423e5005d1e26d7dfebbbfa28893fc32caef6f